New Age Approach
My method is in a typically Pieces style – without considering conditional human borders of concepts, religions, sciences, ages, I believe in the following: “the most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible” (Einstein). There is a solution to the problems, which one considers knotty, and the answer had been found and it is easy to understand. Here and now is the place to learn all, that one has needed for so long.
I have described my insight about life in my book – “Lunar Node”. I even tested if my prism works. It turned out that it works.
Where are we?
There is an Asian nomadic legend about the Golden Cup
A khan was wandering with his folk through the Steppes, but out of ignorance he ordered that all old men and women must be left behind, because they were slowing the movement, required a lot of care. And only one of his subjects, a young man, didn’t give his father away.
One day the khan with his folk stopped to spend the night close to a river. In the middle of the night everyone saw a beautiful Golden Cup inside the river. The khan ordered this Cup to be taken out of the water for him.
Firstly, one by one, the strongest men started to dive into the water, but they all drowned. Day by day the number of men decreased rapidly, but the khan still wanted the Cup. The young man, who didn’t give his father away, asked how to save himself from death inside the river. Then his father told him: “What you all see inside the river, is only a reflection of the Golden Cup. It is not there. It is on the steep peak of the nearby mountain. The Cup is guarded by 2 goats. Stampede the goats, they would topple it and you would catch it” ... the young man succeeded, the khan revoked the order for leaving the old men and women behind…
Unfortunately, the contemporary humans are those, the ones drowned inside the river. We breathe and live under the water, on the bottom.
The river, that flows through my hometown, is called Mariza. If one had an artistic approach towards its name and one would add a “T”, then one would get the word “MaTriza”, which in Bulgarian means “matrix”. And we all have heard of “The MaTrix”. Also, the neighborhood, in which I grew up, is called “Karshiaka”, which from Turkish (I am sure my Turkish spelling is not correct, so please disregard it) means “Beyond the River” … or in other words “Beyond the Matrix” …
We all know, that those, who are not ready to face the reality, is better to stay plugged in the matrix (river). And those, who want to unplug, it is ok to be given this chance.
I offer you a different approach towards the World. The sources of my knowledge are the arts, astrology, psychology… We would dig a tunnel under the sore emotions and the scary scenarios and we would discover the reason for the irritation. I wish you to become courageous to show who you are. Together, with a direction upwards, we would head on a mission of discovering the high ground, although the bottom of the river is also a ground, but do you really would want to live on the bottom? Let’s swim up through the awkwardness and we would swim out on the surface after all. The stars would prompt us, where are we, and considering their position, we will find our home path.
“Lunar Node” – book, Nadezhda Koleva;
“The Golden Cup” – tale, Asian tale;
“The Matrix” – movies, all parts;
“The New Knowledge” – TV show, all episodes with Kiril Kirilov.