
A Body from Earth element


As one might know, human bodies have aura, astral bodies and so on…, with one word, a pack of invisible parts of one human being. Every single human body possesses them. The human being is a combination of two.

The human body lives among the human bodies and the auras, the astral bodies and so on…, with one word, among other human beings.



I was surprised that there is a Girl with a Goat Archetype. In my program for sky walking the Girl with the Goat is the constellation Auriga. In Bulgaria it is known as “the Charioteer” (Колар).





Pluto and the Gifts

A man and A (mer)maid

Pluto loves to ask unwanted scary questions. Everyone has them. Everyone hides them... in the realms of Pluto. Slowly, but surely he moves on through the signs and opens all presents, which have been left there before... for more than 100 years there are a lot of beautiful boxes with surprises. And because he is the same, the history repeats itself very precisely. But the situation might not be the same...