
A Body from Earth element


As one might know, human bodies have aura, astral bodies and so on…, with one word, a pack of invisible parts of one human being. Every single human body possesses them. The human being is a combination of two.

The human body lives among the human bodies and the auras, the astral bodies and so on…, with one word, among other human beings.

The Nightmare Matrix

the nightmare matrix

As one might already know, there is a YouTube sequence, called “Matrix Explained”. I am watching and following the videos with great enthusiasm, and I hope the readers is as well interested as I am to learn more about the original plot and messages inside the live dynamics in the movies. I am proud to say, that my visions are in line with Wachovski’s intention to warm about the future grotesque world, if it continues to exist according to contemporary (old-fashioned Babylon tower style) standards.