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I presume one has heard of Einstein’s “Two things are infinite. The universe and human stupidity. … and I am not sure about the universe”.

If one has studied Economics, one might know that human desires are infinite, but the possibilities for fulfilling them are finite and scarce.

Pluto and the Gifts

A man and A (mer)maid

Pluto loves to ask unwanted scary questions. Everyone has them. Everyone hides them... in the realms of Pluto. Slowly, but surely he moves on through the signs and opens all presents, which have been left there before... for more than 100 years there are a lot of beautiful boxes with surprises. And because he is the same, the history repeats itself very precisely. But the situation might not be the same...

The magic words

Maybe you know the traditional magic words – please, thank you, forgive me, excuse me…

In 21th century, the traditions are being reassessed.

From a contemporary point of view, the tradition could freely be labeled “cruel”; its guards however could condemn anyone who doesn’t meet its role models to live in exile and pain, to curse and demonize anyone in front of the commune of one’s own lineage.

New Age Approach

New Age Approach

My method is in a typically Pieces style – without considering conditional human borders of concepts, religions, sciences, ages, I believe in the following: “the most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible” (Einstein). There is a solution to the problems, which one considers knotty, and the answer had been found and it is easy to understand. Here and now is the place to learn all, that one has needed for so long.

I have described my insight about life in my book – “Lunar Node”. I even tested if my prism works. It turned out that it works.

Why am I here

Why am I here

Saint Athanasius is considered to be a twin-brother of saint Antoine (Gemini and Brothers). He declares himself against the teachings of Arius, who preached that Christ has been created by God and therefore, he is weaker than Him and he doesn’t deserve such a great honor (as far as I know, similar doctrines are presented in another religion, in which Christ has the title of respect “prophet”). And saint Athanasius responds, that Christ is the God Himself, who is incarnated in corruptible body of flesh and blood, for returning the humans to the immortality.