Update in How many have you found
In my eyes the mankind is strongly connected with the idea of the Savior; the One; the Protector that will come one day and would administer justice; that would make the odds even. Or in other words and worlds, to bring balance to the Force, to safe the Mankind from destruction as bringing harmony in the equation of the Architect 0=1. He has no weaknesses, but one task - to give new meaning and understanding of love to the mankind and so, to safe the human kind.
The earliest The One I know, has been chosen by goddess Venus (Aphrodite) herself - the beautiful prince Adonis. He unfortunately didn't believe her and died, killed in a hunt he had been warned not to initiate.
The next Savior I know is Jesus Christ - he explained the love and offered it as path, way, method (Dao), but he was not allowed to practice it - as far as I know he has no official wife. And there are some traits of Venus in Maria, the mother of Jesus.
After him - saint Nicholas - he hates the statues of Venus - not a happy love story ending.
The One entity is a magnificent sunspot, called out to deserve the given name by experiencing the pain of mortals purposely. Maybe this has been provoked by Zeus, who chose to have the One, the son, divine protector from a mortal woman, not from a goddess - his wife Hera. Hera didn’t forgive her husband easily - Zeus and she hated the child. So the life of the infant would be marked with suffering. After being aware of all the hardships, the Son, the Savior has to choose which side will fall and which will manifest in the future… until the next time, when the threads got so entangled, that An Anomaly (Alkind, Anakin, T. Anderson…), namely The One himself, must return again.
0 (T) ⇒ 1
Before unfolding the gift of the (h)zero, the embodied the One entity is attempting to live an ordinary life of a zero. But the variations of the Force inside are so powerful and wide-ranging, that it makes him want more. He knows he could manifest more possibilities, not only the ones presented as” possible” for him. He is willing to go the distance to where he truly belongs. According to Magura “T” means a teacher; shared know-how. The “T” indicates he knows how to use the ways of the Force as much as the learning capacity of the entity allows. He has abilities, some considered to be unnatural. Therefore, he could cross the line and manifest all possibilities i.e.:
On and on his very existence brings frustration in everyone around them, even in the Architect of the Matrix himself. From time to time Alkind and Anakin have also been very frustrated of the tasted bitterness in the communication with humans and gods. Still, he is the One - he must weight all odds and even; to say: yes or no to anything and his anything will manifest no matter what. Only Neo managed to solve the task of love - after he understood what love to mankind is and this new insight has been merged in the choice, the decision of the Hero saved the mankind, gained the meaning inside the zero and became 1, The One. The Savior, The divine Protector of mankind.
Hercules (Alkind);
Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader);
Luke Skywalker;
Ben Solo;
Thomas A. Anderson - Neo.
The One - 8;
"Star wars", movies - all episodes;
"The Matrix", movies - all parts;
"Hercules", movie - Disney's Hercules from 1997;
“The Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome”, book - E. M. Berens - about Heracles, Venus and Adonis;
https://www.google.com/search?q=rubens+venus+and+adonis&sxsrf=ALeKk01GXLK6pmpdfxWUNQtl0AhNtVgUtg:1610733659266&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=_rCtLMz9a_L1kM%252CeN2cQN5TpqSdaM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kR4_B8GgJvjtbDun1QcVEtC2r-oeg&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjc4tm8wp7uAhXFCewKHSbQCJoQ9QF6BAgNEAE&biw=1536&bih=666#imgrc=_rCtLMz9a_L1kM ,
painting - "Venus and Adonis" by Rubens
https://www.dunavmost.com/novini/nepoznatite-poveriya-za-sveti-nikola?fbclid=IwAR0Kp0spgXox0wfB2q7rrJiCj6M9SY8SlT0IqGh3_kiQv0Q0t-k8bedWl7Q , website - About Saint Nikolaus;
https://medchurches.livejournal.com/23924.html?fbclid=IwAR2FzOe_zYTHNJyVm8Pig7h7BOvtnf8Qhe0mNE_NAxo18IN0xIR7JXh9zdg , website - official website of church Saint Nikola and Saint Panteleimon
Photos: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpbs.twimg.com%2Fmedia%2FD41sJF7WkAAZjQM.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fsw_holocron%2Fstatus%2F1120670790444253189&tbnid=hdDdEBNd1iCcvM&vet=12ahUKEwjH2qC6kcbsAhUQkaQKHXV0C0cQMygaegUIARDTAQ..i&docid=6gjf8bJOze9LWM&w=1200&h=776&q=anakin%20skywalker%20episode2&ved=2ahUKEwjH2qC6kcbsAhUQkaQKHXV0C0cQMygaegUIARDTAQ#imgrc=hdDdEBNd1iCcvM&imgdii=wuDV2Y5qmSABcM
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