the One

Update in How many have you found

"ironic, he could save others from death, but not himself"

In my eyes the mankind is strongly connected with the idea of the Savior; the One; the Protector that will come one day and would administer justice; that would make the odds even. Or in other words and worlds, to bring balance to the Force, to safe the Mankind from destruction as bringing harmony in the equation of the Architect 0=1. He has no weaknesses, but one task - to give new meaning and understanding of love to the mankind and so, to safe the human kind. 

How many have you found so far?

This would be our private space for statistics. You could post your discoveries. It would be good if you provide also few lines of background about the observed object and at the end to summarize it as follows: “the name of the object” “- ““the number of found objects”:

As an example, I would provide the name “Magura”

According to Kiril Kirilov there is a total of 22 objects in the world, which are called Magura.

Magura – 22 ;

And so, this is my contribution to the statistics: